
Please find attached the current rules - Updated August 29th 2011

North Fort Myers SWIFT Tennis League
Rules and Regulations

A. Requirement for League
The league shall provide the opportunity for senior women to play in different communities in North Fort Myers, against different teams for social interaction. Although the goal of each team is to win, the priority is to have fun. In an attempt to do so, good sportsmanship shall prevail.

1.     The league officers shall consist of a Coordinator and a Co-Coordinator. The Coordinators will review rosters, scheduling and grievances.
2.     A Season will be played in one part. The full season, to start in November and end in March, will be played according to the league rules.
3.     Team statistics will be gathered in one central location throughout season’s league play to determine each team’s league standing (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).
4.     A tie breaker set will be played, if needed, to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranking.

B. Requirement for Facilities
1.     Communities must provide at least 2 courts in good condition with available drinking water, telephones, restrooms and adequate seating for players
2.     Courts must be at least standard size (USTA) and either hard surface or soft surface.

C. Requirements for Players
1.     Each player must own property in the community she represents, or rent property in that community for a minimum of two (2) consecutive months in any given twelve (12) consecutive month period.
2.     Each player must be fifty (50) years old by November 1st. Captains must ask for age requirements.
3.     Each player must be a legitimate member of a club/facility and a team.
4.     New players can be added up to the first week of play (2nd week in November). Captains should be notified.

D. Requirements for Playing Levels
1.     LCWTL Ratings
a.      LCWTL players rated 3.5 and above may not play for the SWIFT league.
b.     LCWTL players rated 3.5- and below are eligible for SWIFT play.
c.      LCWTL 50+ silver and bronze division player are eligible for SWIFT play.   

2.     SWAT Players
a.      No SWIFT player may be a regular member of SWAT.
b.     SWIFT players may “sub up” to SWAT a maximum of two (2) times per season. SWIFT Captains must notify the SWIFT League Coordinator(s) whenever one of their team members “sub up” to SWAT.
3.     USTA Players
a.      Players with a USTA rating of 3.0 and below may play for the SWIFT League.
b.     Rated USTA players who have not played within the last three years can self-rate with their Captain’s assistance.
4.     Unrated players should self-rate within the context of their team with their Captain’s assistance

E. Requirements for Teams
1.     A Team must have a minimum of 6 players to field 2 courts
2.     A team roster consisting of names of players and telephone number must be distributed to the team Captains at the beginning of each season’s play.
3.     Any community with more than one team must have a draft before each season starts to build new teams that are equally balanced in strength.

F. Rules for Play
1.     Play shall be according to USTA rules.
2.     Strength, according to the judgment of the captain, must be played at all times with the strongest players playing all sets on court one.
3.     A match will consist of six (6) single sets, played in three (3) rounds of two (2) sets each.
4.     A player may play a maximum of two (2) sets with the strongest players remaining on court one.
5.     Two players may not be paired together more than once during a match.
6.     If a team is short players (less than 6 players) due to illness/injury during the match, a team member may play 3 sets with the approval of both Captains.
7.     Standard scoring (deuces and ads) will be used.
8.     The first team to win six (6) games by (2) games wins the set.
9.     A seven-point Coman tiebreaker will be played at six (6) games all. The winner must win by two (2) points.
10.  Teams will change sides after odd-numbered games.
11.  The four court player will track their scores. Teams may have sideline scorers if they wish. These sideline scorers can be asked the score by the court players but the court players should be responsible for the final outcome.
12.  There will be no “No Sun Rules”
13.  If a match must be canceled due to inclement weather, the match will be rescheduled at the discretion of the two teams involved before the end of the season.
14.  The home team will provide new match balls.
15.  Team uniforms are not required.
16.  The will be NO coaching from the sidelines during the match.

G. Requirements for Subs
1.     Subs may not rotate between teams in the same community.
2.     A sub must be listed as such on the official roster. A sub may not be used if a team member is available.
3.     Subs must meet the requirements of section C.

H. Captain’s Responsibilities
1.     The Captain shall submit an alphabetical roster of all team members to the league coordinator(s) in early October of the new season.
2.     The Captains shall be playing members of the team.
3.     The Captains shall be familiar with the league rules and regulations and ensure that players do the same.
4.     Each team Captain must have her lineup prepared to present to the opposing team at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the match.
5.     Both the home team Captain and the visiting team Captain are responsible for approving changes in the team lineup in the event of teams short of players due to illness/injury during the match.
6.     The captain shall be responsible for playing strength, i.e. play their best players for all sets on court one.
7.     The home team Captain and the visiting team Captain are mutually responsible for whether a set will be forfeited.
8.     The home team Captain will contact the visiting team Captain early in the week before a scheduled match to confirm time, place, make lunch plans and advise changes in team roster.
9.     The Captains shall be responsible for scheduling make-up matches.
10.  Home team Captains will notify Coordinator(s) of match results within 24 hrs of match play.
11.  The Captain shall file any grievance with the Coordinator(s).

I. Forfeits
1. Before line-ups are exchanged
a.   A set(s) shall be forfeited if a team cannot field six (6) players
2. After line-ups are exchanged
a.   A set shall be forfeited when playing an illegal player according to section C and D.
b.  A set shall be forfeited upon illness/injury during a match if a qualified player (according to section C and D) is unavailable to fill in for the ill/injured player.
J. Grievances
1.     In the unlikely event that a dispute cannot be resolved by the Captains during the match or within twenty-four (24) hours after the match, a protest may be filed with the league Coordinator. The Coordinator will render a decision unless she is associated with one of the disputing teams. In that case, the Co-Coordinator will render the decision. If  both Coordinators are associated with the disputing teams, the dispute will be referred to a neutral Captain.

Rev.: 10-10-05 Marcia Hinchberger
Rev.: 10-12-06 Priscilla Walling
Rev.: 3-07 Priscilla Walling