Meeting Minutes

North Fort Myers SWIFT Tennis League
     Minutes from Captains’ meeting, October 28, 2010
Ruth Aspin, chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:30 am. 
Prudy Jaromin read minutes from the previous meeting held on March 18th. There was one correction. Six Lakes captain, Gail Hanford’s name was incorrectly spelled.
          Ruth informed us that there is a new web site for our organization. It is: Ruth’s new e-mail address is   The emergency form is on the website and Ruth is asking each captain to download copies for each member of the team. Ruth passed roster sheets around and asked each captain to update their lists. All other changes are due by November 11th.  Ruth explained that recent changes to the by-laws will be typed in the form of an addendum at the bottom of the document, because she is not able to make changes in the body of the document.
          Ruth reminded us that the Spring Luncheon will be on March 24th (not the 18th) hosted by Sabol Springs, but held at Pine Lakes. The Round Robin will be held at Heron’s Glen at 9:30. Linda Kulaski, from Sabol Springs, said that there is some disagreement among members of their team about this decision. They will get back to us as soon as their captain returns next week.
          Six Lakes announced that they will have a hard time hosting tennis matches this season because it’s the men’s league day. They will most often need to play at the other team’s courts if possible, unless the men are “away”. They will contact the opposing team captains to arrange court time.
          The scheduled game on Dec.16th has been eliminated because of Christmas break. Tara Woods will be unable to field either team on Jan.27 and Feb.3 due to planned trips. Ruth asked if the opposing teams wouldn’t mind rescheduling the games to March. It was agreeable to all. Ruth asked each captain to check if the scheduled match times were correct as written.
          Ruth announced that she would like this to be her last year as chairman. The new chair would have to generate her own web page because she owns this domain herself. She also reminded all captains to each submit scores the day of the games so she can cross reference the scores.
          Linda Kulaski is collecting pictures for a scrapbook to be compiled for a history of SWIFT Tennis. She asked all to help her compile pictures.
          Ruth wished all teams well and adjourned the meeting at 11:07.
Respectfully submitted,  Prudy Jaromin, co-chair

MARCH 18, 2010

Chairman, Ruth Aspin, called the meeting to order . She requested that all members put a baggie in their tennis bag with emergency contact and medical information that can be used by anyone in case of an emergency.  All agreed that is was a good idea.
Sabal Springs is next to host the spring banquet. Due to the cost at Sabal Springs restaurant, Prudy and Barb offered to look into having it at Pine Lakes.  Gail Hartford, from Six Lakes, also offered, since they are next in line. A preferred date around the 24th of March is best. Shirley Serrao stated that the round robin at Herons Glen might need to be moved up to 9:30 am.   It was agreed by all that Sabal Springs and Six Lakes will work together on the lunch, and the round robin will begin at 9:30 at Herons Glen.
Prudy Jaromin asked to discuss our by-law that states that subs may not be used if a team member is available to play.(see section C # 3) . Barbara Schmit, believes that this section was apparently not followed by certain team(s).  Ruth stated that this rule can cause a hardship if a team has a player(s) who can only play one game.  Diane Bucknavich restated that it is not meant for teams to bring on stronger players (subs) and not use their weaker players.  She stated there is also suspicion that one of the subs may not have been 50 years old at the time the team used her in a game.  Discussion followed. Joan White moved to keep the sub rule the same.  Seconded by Barbara Schmit.  Ruth will remind all teams about this rule on the website. Also, it is the captain’s responsibility to verify the age of their team members.
Due to the unavailability of some captains in October, it was agreed that the first fall meeting will be in November after the start of the season.   Also, Ruth informed the members that there is a computer program that does our game “sort” completely at random.
          Shirley Serrao stated that at last year’s meeting there were some changes made to the by-laws that did not show up on the current copy on line.  Ruth will look into this and correct the problem.  
Ruth asked us to consider that court 1 “wins” carry a higher score then court 2 “wins”.  Discussion followed.  It was decided to maintain the current system. 
Ruth stated that the computer generated schedule will be revisited once it comes out if there are problems.  Discussion followed.
New team lists were passed along to Ruth.  Barbara Schmit asked that the phone #s of the captains and co-captains be included on the schedule for next season. Please send any changes to e-mail list to Ruth.  Ruth stated if people have trouble getting the web-page, they should e-mail her and she will send them the link.
Barb Schmit thanked Ruth for the plaques for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams.
Ruth would like to do something special for next year because it is SWIFT’S 20th anniversary.
Ruth thanked us all and wished us a good summer. 
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted ,

  Prudy Jaromin, co-chairman